Isnor Creative
Isnor Creative Blog
Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Ember, Elm, Phoenix, Elixir, React, Vue

Sep 30, 2008

Rails Rumble 2008

Along with another programmer, Benjamin Jørgensen of Denmark/Montreal, I have signed up for Rails Rumble 08. Competing against up to 199 other teams, we’ll have two days to take a blank canvas private server into a fully functioning Rails server with a freshly created – from scratch – application running. The contest takes place Oct. 18 and 19 - so, starting on the 20th we should have a site up and running (fingers crossed). More news to come….

I am available for Ruby on Rails consulting work – get in touch to learn more.

Gordon B. Isnor

Gordon B. Isnor writes about Ruby on Rails, Ember.js, Elm, Elixir, Phoenix, React, Vue and the web.
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I am now available for project work. I have availability to build greenfield sites and applications, to maintain and update/upgrade existing applications, team augmentation. I offer website/web application assessment packages that can help with SEO/security/performance/accessibility and best practices. Let’s talk

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